General Electric*

Profits: $7.7 billion

Taxes: -$4.7 billion

Are you starting to get the picture?

The amazing thing is that GE can get away with all this and still ship thousands upon thousands of good American jobs out of the country.

There is no way that our current tax code can be fixed with a few "tweaks" here and there. Our current tax code is an abomination that should be immediately repealed and flushed down the toilet.

But the Democrats and most Republicans seem to want to keep it around. They like to play their little social engineering games with the tax code, and the current tax code enables their wealthy donors to do quite nicely.

Occupy Wall Street is right to argue that our tax code is fundamentally unjust, and the number one person that they need to point the finger at is Barack Obama.

So can any "liberal" out there actually defend Barack Obama after reading all of this?

Can anyone out there put forth an intellectual argument for why Occupy Wall Street protesters should be supporting Obama?

The truth is that most of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are intellectual hypocrites.

Most of them are so scared that a Republican might win in 2012 that they won't say anything bad about Obama.

It is the same trap that many Republicans fell into with George W. Bush.

Look, George W. Bush was a nightmare for this country.

Barack Obama is even worse.

If we are not going to be intellectually honest with ourselves, then we might as well tattoo the word "sheeple" on to our foreheads.

If Occupy Wall Street really believes the stuff that they are saying, then they need to call for Barack Obama to resign.

Does anyone disagree?